Command-line tools#







Display available information from sacct -j jobid... or sacct [OPTION].

  • The time fields can be specified as rich (e.g. -S="-1h" for jobs that started at maximum one hour ago) in addition to the default format of sacct.

  • As state use: running / r, completed / cd, failed / f, timeout / to, resizing / rs, deadline / dl, node_fail / nf.

  • The output can be returned in JSON format (--json).

  • Extra columns can be added (--extra), see sacct --helpformat. Commonly used are --extra="WorkDir".

  • The following column abbreviations are used (depending on the output): - State: ST - ExitCode: exit


Use seff jobid to get more information, such as memory usage.

usage: Gacct [-h] [-X] [-j] [--sep SEP] [--no-truncate] [--sort SORT]
             [--reverse] [--no-header] [--width WIDTH] [-o OUTPUT]
             [--infer INFER] [-e EXTRA] [--abspath] [--relpath] [--root ROOT]
             [-C] [-L] [-a] [-T] [-S STARTTIME] [-E ENDTIME] [-i NNODES]
             [-s STATE] [-N NODELIST] [-M CLUSTERS] [-A ACCOUNT] [-u USER]
             [--uid UID] [-U] [-g GROUP] [--gid GID] [--name NAME] [-q QOS]
             [jobid ...]

Positional Arguments#


JobID(s) to read.

Named Arguments#

-X, --allocations

Include only main job.

Default: False

-j, --json

Print in JSON format.

Default: False


Column separator.

Default: “ “


Print without fitting screen.

Default: False


Sort based on column.

Default: []


Reverse order.

Default: False


Do not print header.

Default: False


Print width (default: read from terminal).

-o, --output

Output columns.


Read extra data from JOBID.infer.

-e, --extra

Extra columns.

Default: []


Print directories as absolute (default: automatic).

Default: False


Print directories as relative (default: automatic).

Default: False


Filter jobs whose WorkDir has this root (WorkDir printed relative to this root).

-C, --cwd

Same as --root ..

Default: False

-L, --allclusters

Display jobs ran on all clusters.

Default: False

-a, --allusers

All users (default: only current user).

Default: False

-T, --truncate

Truncate time.

Default: False

-S, --starttime

Job started after time.

-E, --endtime

Job end before time.

-i, --nnodes

Jobs which ran on this many nodes.

-I, --ncpus

Jobs which ran on this many cpus.

-k, --timelimit-min

Only send data about jobs with this timelimit.

-K, --timelimit-max

Only send data about jobs with this timelimit.

-r, --partition

(Comma separated list of) partitions.

Default: []

-s, --state

Select state(s).

Default: []

-N, --nodelist

Select nodelist(s).

Default: []

-M, --clusters

Select cluster(s).

Default: []

-A, --account

Select account(s).

Default: []

-u, --user

Select username(s).

Default: []


Select user-id(s).

Default: []


Select current user.

Default: False

-g, --group

Select group(s).

Default: []


Select group-id(s).

Default: []


Select job-name(s).

Default: []

-q, --qos

Select qos(s).

Default: []

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit