Command-line tools#



Summarize the status of the jobs (wrapper around “squeue”) using (some of) the following fields:








Account name


Job name


Time as which the job will start / has started


Maximum duration left


Number of nodes claimed


Number of CPUs claimed


Memory claimed








Dependency / dependencies


Working directory


Gstat [options] Gstat [options] <JobId>…


Limit output to the current user.

-u, --user=<NAME>

Limit output to user(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-j, --jobid=<NAME>

Limit output to job-id(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.


Filter jobs whose workdir has this root.

-C, --cwd

Same as --root ..

-D, --max-depth=<N>

Filter jobs whose workdir has maximally this depth compared to --root.


Limit output to host(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-a, --account=<NAME>

Limit output to account(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-n, --name=<NAME>

Limit output to job-name(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-w, --workdir=<NAME>

Limit output to job-name(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.


Limit output to status. Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-p, --partition=<NAME>

Limit output to partition(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-s, --sort=<NAME>

Sort by field. Option may be repeated. See description for header names.

-r, --reverse

Reverse sort.

-o, --output=<NAME>

Select output columns. Option may be repeated. See description for header names.

-e, --extra=<NAME>

Add columns. Option may be repeated. See description for header names.


Show full user names.

-S, --summary

Print only summary.


Suppress header.


Print full columns, do not truncate based on terminal width.


Set line-width (otherwise taken as terminal width).


Select color scheme from: “none”, “dark”. [default: “dark”]

-l, --list

Print selected column as list.

-J, --joblist

Print selected job-id(s) as list. Sort for Gstat -o jobid -l.


Print directories as absolute directories (default: automatic, based on distance).


Print directories as relative directories (default: automatic, based on distance).


Set column separator. [default: ” “]


Print full information (each column is printed as a line).


Debug: read squeue -o "%all" from file.

-d, --print-dependency

Print the selected jobs as -d <jobid> -d <jobid> .... Use to for example Gsub *slurm `Gstat -d -U --partition "serial"`.

-h, --help

Show help.


Show version.

(c - MIT) T.W.J. de Geus | | |



Summarize the status of the compute nodes (wrapper around “sinfo”).

The following scores are computed of each node:

  • CPU% : The CPU load of the node relative to the number of jobs (cpu_load / cpu_used). Should always be ~1, anything else usually signals misuse.

  • Mem% : the amount of used memory relative to the average memory available per job ((mem_used / cpu_used) / (mem_tot / cpu_tot)). Can be > 1 for (several) heavy memory consumption jobs, but in principle any value is possible.


Ginfo [options]


Limit output to the current user.

-u, --user=<NAME>

Limit output to user(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-j, --jobid=<NAME>

Limit output to job-id(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.


Limit output to host(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-f, --cfree=<NAME>

Limit output to free CPU(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-p, --partition=<NAME>

Limit output to partition(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-s, --sort=<NAME>

Sort by field. Option may be repeated. Use header names.

-r, --reverse

Reverse sort.

-o, --output=<NAME>

Select output columns. Option may be repeated. Use header names.

-S, --summary

Print only summary.


Suppress header.


Print full columns, do not truncate based on terminal width.


Set line-width (otherwise taken as terminal width).


Select color scheme from: “none”, “dark”. [default: “dark”]

-l, --list

Print selected column as list.


Set column separator. [default: ” “]


Print full information (each column is printed as a line).

–debug=<FILE> <FILE>

Debug: read sinfo -o "%all" and squeue -o "%all" from file.

-h, --help

Show help.


Show version.

(c - MIT) T.W.J. de Geus | | |



List memory usage per process.








Memory used


Fraction of CPU capacity used


Duration of the command




A nice use is to kill a command filtered on its name:

Gps --kill -c ".*mycommand.*"

Of course you should probably verify the selected pid(s) before killing them.


Gps [options]


Limit processes to the current user.

-u, --user=<NAME>

Limit processes to user(s). Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-p, --pid=<NAME>

Limit processes to process-id. Option may be repeated. Search by regex.

-c, --command=<NAME>

Limit processes to command. Option may be repeated. Search by regex.


Include the current process.

-s, --sort=<NAME>

Sort by field (selected by the header name).

-r, --reverse

Reverse sort.

-o, --output=<NAME>

Select output columns. Option may be repeated. See description for header names.


Output list of PID separated by -9, such that you can kill them all at once, by kill -9 $(Gps -9 ...).


Kill selected processes.


Suppress header.


Print full columns, do not truncate based on terminal width.


Set line-width (otherwise taken as terminal width).


Select color scheme from: “none”, “dark”. [default: “dark”]

-l, --list

Print selected column as list.


Set column separator. [default: ” “]


Print full information (each column is printed as a line).


Debug: read squeue -o "%all" from file.

-h, --help

Show help.


Show version.

(c - MIT) T.W.J. de Geus | | |



Submit job-scripts and add the “–chdir” option to run the scripts from the directory in with the sbatch-file is stored. See


Gsub [options] <files>…




Print commands to screen, without executing.


Verbose all commands and their output.

-Q, --quiet

Do no show progress-bar.


Log the JobIDs to a YAML-file (updated after each submit). Existing log files are appended.

–delay = FLOAT

Seconds to wait between submitting jobs. [default: 0.1]

-r, –repeat = INT

Submit using dependencies such that the job will be repeated ‘n’ times. [default: 1]


Submit using dependencies such that jobs are run after each other.

-A, –account = ARG (sbatch option)

Account name.

-b, –begin = ARG (sbatch option)

Allocate at the later time. E.g. --begin=now+1hour.

–comment = ARG (sbatch option)

Arbitrary comment.

-c, –constraint = ARG (sbatch option)

Nodes can have features assigned to them by the Slurm administrator.

-d, –dependency = ARG (sbatch option)

Defer the start of this job until the specified dependencies have been satisfied completed.

-X, –exclude = ARG (sbatch option)

Exclude nodes.

–export = ARG (sbatch option)

Export environment variables.

–mem = ARG (sbatch option)

Memory allocation.

-w, –wait (sbatch option)

Do not exit until the submitted job terminates.

-h, --help

Show help.


Show version.

(c - MIT) T.W.J. de Geus | | |



Stop running jobs.


Gdel [options] Gdel [options] <JobId>…


ID-number(s) of the job(s) to delete. (default: all user’s jobs)


Any option for Gstat.

-h, --help

Show help.

—version Show version.

(c - MIT) T.W.J. de Geus | | |


Display available information from sacct -j jobid... or sacct [OPTION].

  • The time fields can be specified as rich (e.g. -S="-1h" for jobs that started at maximum one hour ago) in addition to the default format of sacct.

  • As state use: running / r, completed / cd, failed / f, timeout / to, resizing / rs, deadline / dl, node_fail / nf.

  • The output can be returned in JSON format (--json).

  • Extra columns can be added (--extra), see sacct --helpformat. Commonly used are --extra="WorkDir".

  • The following column abbreviations are used (depending on the output): - State: ST - ExitCode: exit


Use seff jobid to get more information, such as memory usage.

usage: Gacct [-h] [-X] [-j] [--sep SEP] [--no-truncate] [--sort SORT]
             [--reverse] [--no-header] [--width WIDTH] [-o OUTPUT]
             [--infer INFER] [-e EXTRA] [--abspath] [--relpath] [--root ROOT]
             [-C] [-L] [-a] [-T] [-S STARTTIME] [-E ENDTIME] [-i NNODES]
             [-s STATE] [-N NODELIST] [-M CLUSTERS] [-A ACCOUNT] [-u USER]
             [--uid UID] [-U] [-g GROUP] [--gid GID] [--name NAME] [-q QOS]
             [jobid ...]

Positional Arguments#


JobID(s) to read.


-X, --allocations

Include only main job.

Default: False

-j, --json

Print in JSON format.

Default: False


Column separator.

Default: ” “


Print without fitting screen.

Default: False


Sort based on column.

Default: []


Reverse order.

Default: False


Do not print header.

Default: False


Print width (default: read from terminal).

-o, --output

Output columns.


Read extra data from JOBID.infer.

-e, --extra

Extra columns.

Default: []


Print directories as absolute (default: automatic).

Default: False


Print directories as relative (default: automatic).

Default: False


Filter jobs whose WorkDir has this root (WorkDir printed relative to this root).

-C, --cwd

Same as --root ..

Default: False

-L, --allclusters

Display jobs ran on all clusters.

Default: False

-a, --allusers

All users (default: only current user).

Default: False

-T, --truncate

Truncate time.

Default: False

-S, --starttime

Job started after time.

-E, --endtime

Job end before time.

-i, --nnodes

Jobs which ran on this many nodes.

-I, --ncpus

Jobs which ran on this many cpus.

-k, --timelimit-min

Only send data about jobs with this timelimit.

-K, --timelimit-max

Only send data about jobs with this timelimit.

-r, --partition

(Comma separated list of) partitions.

Default: []

-s, --state

Select state(s).

Default: []

-N, --nodelist

Select nodelist(s).

Default: []

-M, --clusters

Select cluster(s).

Default: []

-A, --account

Select account(s).

Default: []

-u, --user

Select username(s).

Default: []


Select user-id(s).

Default: []


Select current user.

Default: False

-g, --group

Select group(s).

Default: []


Select group-id(s).

Default: []


Select job-name(s).

Default: []

-q, --qos

Select qos(s).

Default: []

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit